Our residents’ ongoing health and wellbeing is extremely important to us and we recognise that keeping active, both mentally and physically, whilst maintaining a sense of purpose and meaning are key to individuals’ happiness, contentment and joy.
We have found this especially important when someone is living with dementia and carefully adapt our approach to everyone’s abilities, ensuring we take a flexible approach to each moment; being led by our residents and living in their world.
In partnership with our residents and those closest to them, our dedicated lifestyle team develops a varied programme of meaningful activities, events and celebrations which are personalised to individuals’ likes, dislikes, abilities and care needs.
Our whole team supports our residents to rekindle interests and hobbies, whilst also gently encouraging them to try new things they might enjoy, either as part of a group, on a 1-2-1 basis and in their own room, if they prefer.
Maintaining an active body and mind
Regular opportunities to exercise bring fun and laughter, whilst giving everyone the opportunity to stay as active as they’re personally able to. For some, that may be through seated exercises from the comfort of their own chair and movement to music classes whilst, for others, it’s tending to our beautiful gardens in the great outdoors or doing a spot of flower arranging.
The OMI table, which consists of a mobile projector that casts interactive, colourful, moving light games onto any chosen surface that residents can interact and play with, is also a great way to keep fit, especially for residents who are being nursed in bed. It’s also a big hit with grandchildren!
To keep our minds active we host regular quizzes, games and reminiscence sessions. Our popular cheese and wine family quiz nights are known to get very competitive!
Finally, our well-stocked library is the perfect setting to sit in a quiet space and leaf through old favourites which may still be familiar.
Our Pop-up Coffee Shop brings the joy of afternoon tea to everyone living in our home. Residents, their families and friends can sit and enjoy each other’s company, chatting over a tea or coffee and a selection of homemade sandwiches, rolls and delicious cakes – all lovingly made using seasonal ingredients by our talented in-house catering team.
For those of us who relish the quiet times we also have a variety of cosy corners and comfy quiet areas to sit and watch the world go by, read the paper or listen to music. Our Elegance hair salon is enjoyed by many looking for some ‘me time’ and a pamper.
A life full of meaning and purpose
Our residents’ are amazing and their talents never cease to amaze us!
Alongside our organised activities, we also provide a variety of opportunities to bring meaning to people’s lives, whilst nurturing their existing talents and experience and learning from others along the way.
Whether it’s a resident with a particular flair for art, dancing, music, homemaking or gardening, we all enjoy learning from each other and sharing our knowledge.
At the heart of our local community
We recognise, for many of our residents, remaining an active and valued part of their local community is very important to them so we regularly invite groups and entertainers into the home to spend time with us.
Visitors are also welcome to come and take part in celebrations, open days and themed events as well as a variety of activities such our popular family quiz nights and pet therapy visits from our favourite furry friends.
School children visit regularly for fun and laughter creating a wonderful atmosphere, bringing smiles and a chance for our residents to spend time with little ones again and reawaken cherished memories of raising their own children.
Getting out and about into the community, as well as further afield, is also a highlight of ours as we take in trips in our minibus to a variety of attractions such as garden centres, potteries and days out at the seaside or Surrey countryside.